What is Web p2p?
Web p2p is like a web server but only for share a directory of your computer.
You can browse, download or get information about files, special mp3 files.
Web p2p is easy to configure. Only put the port, the share folder, and a
search integration server in the config file and run the program.
What is a Searh Integration Point?
A search integration point is a version of the program that only can be used
for searchs. The server have a list of nodes. The integration point
query all the server for all the files that are being shared at the moment
and generates a cache with the files. When someone want a file only have
to query the integration point and it will reponse with the node that have
the file.
The Search integration points can query other SIPs.
What is the MAX_JUMPS parameter?
The max_jumps parameter is a compile-time option for limite the maximum jumps
for a search in the SIPs. Example:
A(client and waiting) ---> B (SIP,searching and waiting) --->
C(SIP, limit, 2 JUMPS)
If no MAX_JUMPS the SIPs will be searching at the end of times.
Supported Networks
The program support his own protocol, and search and downloads without resume
from gnutella nodes that allow host browsing.
You can search in gnutella nodes with x-gnutella-packets output, old bear
share isn't supported.
Sopported Systems
The program supports Linux, MacOS X and SUN OS. You need gcc
to compile.
Remeber that the program requires root privileges to run.
Project supported by:

Simple Web P2P
Beta Version: 0.4
Revision: 1
Features of the version
- New gnutella bridge, you can download and search for files from gnutella
- New md5 hash for check the file.
- Fixed bugs.